Thought Starters

Star performers in India’s chemical exports and danger from data exclusivity

Star performers in India’s chemical exports and danger from data exclusivity

India’s chemical import sees an alarming rise!

The Miracle of Modern Agriculture

The Miracle of Modern Agriculture

The Miracle of Modern Agriculture

EU pesticides policy is bad for the economy environment

The EU pesticides policy is bad for the economy and the environment.

export rejection of Indian spices

Export rejection of Indian spices: Pesticide residues the major cause?

Who use pesticide more efficiently

Who uses pesticides efficiently?

Explaining India’s poor export of fresh fruits

Explaining India’s poor export of fresh fruits

Readymade Garments (RMG) Export. India vs Bangladesh

Readymade Garments (RMG) Export. India vs Bangladesh

India's chemicals trade. Alarming increase in trade deficit

India’s Chemicals Trade. Alarming increase in trade deficit

World Coconut Day - Final

Where does India figure in the export of coconut and coconut products?

Indias International Trade. Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical_Final

India’s International Trade: Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals

Global Agrochemicals Market

Global Agrochemical Market

Indian Agriculture. Net sown area in the last 50 years_Final

Indian Agriculture. Net sown area in the last 50 years

Shocking! Agriculture in the EU is Stagnant!

Shocking! Agriculture in the EU is Stagnant!


State of India’s Organic Agriculture. A Strange Paradox

The State of India’s Organic Agriculture. A strange Paradox

Increasing organic farming would increase deforestation and accelerate climate change

Increasing organic farming might increase deforestation and accelerate climate change

indias registered new agrochemical molecules and share of patent products

India. New agrochemical molecules registered in the last 18 years (2005 till 2023) and share of patent products

Share of Organic agricultural land in the world as of 2021

Share of organic agricultural land in the world

Indias Merchandise and Service Export

India’s Merchandise and Service Export

Consumption of various categories of pesticides -01

India. The land of Milk and Butter

Consumption of various categories of pesticides -01

Consumption of pesticides in World vs India

India earns more from agrochemicals export than spices export -1

India earns more from agrochemicals export than spices export !

indias organic export registers sharp decline in the FY 2021-22

India’s organic export registers sharp decline in the FY 2021-22 Organic Agri. export in India

Organic farming has been under limelight with plenty of budgetary support
in India. How is it performing on the export front?

desi companies going nuts behind videshi nuts

Desi food companies going nuts behind Videshi nuts!

Promoting consumption of desi agri. commodities should be the first priority for India’s Food and FMCG companies for Indian farmers to benefit from economic growth.

Global Agrochemical Market Share by product group (1998-2019) Final_page-0001-min

Advantage Generic Agrochemicals. Global Share of Generics

Generic Pesticides
It is Advantage Generics in 21 st century! Here is an insightful paper.

Pesticides - Generics Rule the Roost. Globally_pages-to-jpg-0001

Pesticides – Generics Rule the Roost. Globally

Here is an insightful advocacy slide “Pesticides – Generics Rule the Roost. Globally”. It carries crucial information and facts about generic/off-patent pesticides that many may not know. 👇

Suicide Rate. India ranks far below than USA

Suicide rate. What is the rank of India globally?

Global magazines Daily Guardian and Forbes had published articles projecting India as the suicide capital of the world…

Organic Agriculture. Sikkim vs Bengal

Organic Agriculture vs Inclusive Agriculture

Here is a single slide policy advocacy paper with strong facts on two most debated methods of agriculture (organic and inclusive)…….

Pesticide Use Efficiency. A Contemporary Approach

Pesticide Use Efficiency. A contemporary approach

Here is a contemporary analysis ranking country on pesticide use efficiency……….

Banana_Global leader is absent in the global market.!

Banana. Global leader is absent in the global…..

India is the largest producer of many agrl. commodities but there is a lack of food processing industry and its exports…..

Sweet Facts About Honey

Sweet facts about honey that environmental……

Work force engaged in Indian Agriculture.

It is socially fashionable to lament about Indian agriculture based on recycled secondary information. A deeply entrenched belief still doing rounds is that >60% work force…….

Share of organic products in India’s agricultural export

Share of organic products in India’s agricultural……..

Indian agriculture is not a gamble on monsoon

Monsoon and Indian Agriculture

This slide gives exciting insights on monsoon and its relation with Indian agriculture…….!

India’s manufacturing lags behind agricultural sector.

India’s manufacturing lags behind agricultural sector.

The economic significance of manufacturing sector comes from its “multiplier effect”. Domestic manufacturing sector’s output…

Doubling farmers income requires increasing……

To double Indian farmers income marketing Indian agricultural commodities must receive priority attention…….

Major Protein Provider. Milk or Pulses - Final

Changing sources of protein

Changes in food consumption patterns often remain unrecognized for long. This could be a costly mistake as it misdirects the gov’t policies. It is similar to driving the car guided by the rear-view mirror.

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) and Fertilizers Consumption

Zero Budget Natural Farming( ZBNF). Impact assessment

Zero budget means without using any credit and without spending any money on purchased inputs( FAO)…..

India – Population growth vs Agri. production growth

Indian agriculture is no more population driven; it is consumption driven. Indian farmers are multi-skilled, and our small farms are multifunctional. India ranks…….

Understanding Carcinogens. Substance…..

Is there cancer catastrophe in India?

We have all read, rather repeatedly, in the media that there is a cancer catastrophe in India especially in Punjab on account of intensive agriculture that requires use of…

Carcinogens. What does WHO listing show?

International Agency for Research on Cancer (an organ of WHO) lists certain natural products, foods and chemicals as having cancer causing potential…

World Chemical Sales – The Changed Dynamics

In 2008, the world chemical sale was €2000 bn. It increased to €3347 bn by 2018..! In 2008, the EU had a share of 26.5 in the world chemical sale and China’s…

Pepper. Brazil beats

The name pepper comes from Sanskrit pippali, meaning berry. Vasco de Gama discovered sea-spice route to India in 1498 mainly to procure pepper…

CO2 Impact on Agricultural Production

Triggering a 180 degree transformative thinking about agriculture is indeed the intended purpose of this website. There is a huge ongoing debate on…


How do we ensure rural prosperity?

Seventy percent of Indias population is rural, and contributes about 50 percent of Indias GDP. Agriculture is the biggest private enterprise in India…


Everything you know about Indian Agriculture is…

Contrary to popular perception, Indias agriculture sector has been outperforming the much-discussed services and manufacturing sectors…

What ails Indian agriculture?

A toxic combination of outdated narratives and fallacious assumptions. In the minds of many, everything else has changed except Indian agriculture..!