Agriculture Related Videos

100% Organic Agriculture guarantees 100% failure. Lessons from Sri Lanka.

Whether it is agriculture or industry, the production systems will never go back to the past.
Sri Lanka, the small island country, has shown to the world how walking back to 19th century’s 100% organic farming collapses the entire economy.

Pesticides Protect Homes

Using pesticides in the house is considered as a healthy practice. But, when used in farms by farmers is considered as a health hazard. This dichotomy is irrational and absurd.

Remember, pest control in the farm is as important as pest control in our homes.

This one-minute video is information packed.

Malicious Campaigns against Indian Agriculture

Whenever India becomes a global leader in any agricultural commodity, malicious campaigns funded by foreign sources begin.

The latest malicious campaign is targeted against India’s milk industry, the largest in the world. The foreign funds for this came from International Development and Research Center (IDRC) Canada.

Indian Agriculture Unveiled

Most Indians would readily know that India ranks 2nd in the world in population, but they would not know that India ranks 2nd in the world in agriculture production too. That’s the agony of Indian agriculture. This shows how poorly we have marketed Indian agriculture within India.

What actually ails cotton?

Recently, Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI) has produced a short documentary titled “What actually ails cotton?”. The documentary, true to the title, brings out what actually is the underlined problem behind cotton industry’s distress in recent years.

First documentary by BOOM channel

It’s a short documentary that runs for 3 mints. It thoroughly exposes the lack of standards for organic produce in India. Ours is probably the only country in the world that liberally spends huge amount in promoting and publicizing organic foods without any legally binding standards.

Second Documentry

Encouraged by the viewer-ship to the previous documentary, BOOM channel has produced a sequel to the first documentary, here is the new documentary