Everything you know about Indian Agriculture is wrong
Contrary to popular perception, Indias agriculture sector has been outperforming the much-discussed services and manufacturing sectors. We are now the worlds second-largest agriculture producer, thanks to a combination of natural and created strengths: India is not only blessed with land, light, water and labour, Indian companies also produce everything required for agriculture, from seeds, fertilizers and irrigation equipment to farm machinery and plant health technologies.
Until 2000, Indian agricultural production was driven predominantly by food grains. Subsequent diversification into high-value crops (fruits and vegetables) and milk, aided by continuous improvements in communication, infrastructure and innovative techniques have transformed this into a dynamic enterprise. One thing is clear, Indian agriculture is no longer an underdog.
“Indian agriculture is no longer an underdog. Our agricultural production is far above that of the United States, which once supplied food grains to India to tide over our domestic food shortage”