Pepper. Brazil beats India

Pepper. Brazil beats India

Pepper. Brazil beats India The name pepper comes from Sanskrit pippali, meaning berry. Vasco de Gama discovered sea-spice route to India in 1498 mainly to procure pepper. Vietnam began cultivation of pepper only in 1990s , but in 2003 overtook India as the...
Is there cancer catastrophe in India?

Is there cancer catastrophe in India?

Is there cancer catastrophe in India? We have all read, rather repeatedly, in the media that there is a cancer catastrophe in India especially in Punjab on account of intensive agriculture that requires use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. This is a...
Carcinogens. What does WHO listing show?

Carcinogens. What does WHO listing show?

Carcinogens. What does WHO listing show? International Agency for Research on Cancer (an organ of WHO) lists certain natural products, foods and chemicals as having cancer causing potential. What most do not know is that the list also includes the following: Alcohol...
How do we ensure rural prosperity?

How do we ensure rural prosperity?

Thought Starter Seventy percent of Indias population is rural, and contributes about 50 percent of Indias GDP. Agriculture is the biggest private enterprise in India in over 600,000 villages. That India ranks second globally in agricultural production demonstrates...
What ails Indian agriculture?

What ails Indian agriculture?

What ails Indian agriculture? What ails Indian agriculture? A toxic combination of outdated narratives and fallacious assumptions. In the minds of many, everything else has changed except Indian agriculture..! Changing the mindset is best done by deft use of data....
World Chemical Sales – The Changed Dynamics

World Chemical Sales – The Changed Dynamics

World Chemical Sales – The Changed Dynamics In 2008, the world chemical sale was €2000 bn. It increased to €3347 bn by 2018..! In 2008, the EU had a share of 26.5 in the world chemical sale and China’s share was 18.2% Ten years later, i.e. by...