Organic farming? Conventional farming? Natural farming?

Written by CENTEGRO

DECEMBER 25, 2022

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Many people have incorrect or incomplete understanding of Conventional farming, Organic farming, & Natural farming.

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Let's go through comprehensive and yet crisp narrative. It offers refreshingly different perspectives about types of farming.

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Conventional Farming : Follows an inclusive /integrated approach to agricultural production. Gives freedom to farmers to decide what to grow and how to grow. Allows use of both chemical as well as organic and natural inputs. Permits cultivation of hybrid crops, GMOs and traditional/local varieties.

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Organic Farming: Practiced all over the world in the past- till early 1900s. Now in its new avatar, it is highly regulated- from production to marketing. Allows only use of organic manures and certain natural and organic pesticides. Only organic seeds must be used. Disallows use of hybrids and GMOs.

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Natural Farming: Also known as Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF). Mimics nature and disallows human supplied inputs. Allows use of only on farm/in house available resources making the net cost of farming equal to zero. Simply put, it is not external input-driven farming

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Know more interesting things about the farming and agriculture.